Monday, 14 November 2016

WHERE FROM HERE: Full Symposium Schedule

After a great deal of discussing and planning, we're nearly there. WHERE FROM HERE: 21 Years of Third Angel is this Thursday, 17 November, at Leeds Beckett University's Headingley Campus, in partnership with Compass Live Art.

There's still a few places available - you can book here.

Here's the full line up...

Where From Here: 21 Years of Third Angel
Beckett Studios, Headingley Campus, Leeds Beckett University

All sessions are in Beckett Studio 1 unless otherwise stated.

Film / Installation – Ongoing (Beckett 1 Foyer)
Third Angel Film Museum
Aletia M Badenhorst – Emballage

Registration and Tea & Coffee (9.30am – 10.15am)

Prologue (10.15am – 10.30am)
Small Celebrations:
RashDash There Were Goddesses

Opening remarks by Oliver Bray, Hannah Nicklin and Third Angel

Act One: Audiences and Journeys (10.30am – 12pm)
Small Celebrations:
Hannah Butterfield Oenomel

Alexander Kelly
Telling other people’s stories

Kirsty Surgey
‘If the suit fits…’ Intertextual objects in Third Angel’s Cape Wrath

Jocelyn Spence
Between Cape Wrath and Class of ‘76

Lunch (12pm – 2pm, Beckett 1 Foyer)
Durational Performances (12pm – 2pm)
Gillian Dyson
Table (Beckett Studio 2)

Gillian Jane Lees and Adam York Gregory
Tangent (Beckett Studio 3)

Act Two: Objects and Words (2pm – 3.45pm)
Small Celebrations:
Massive Owl The Dolphin Hotel

Michael Pinchbeck and Linford Butler,
‘Building the room’: Remembering Third Angel’s Presumption

Andrew Jeffrey and Abi Goodman
‘Moss Valley Fieldwork’: towards a poetic for non-human animal encounters

Jodean Sumner
Strategies towards Reflexive Performance: Collecting and Performing Fakes

Caroline Horton and Dr Jacqueline Taylor
‘Rearrangements’: articulating and encountering alternative forms

Tea & Coffee (3.45pm – 4.15pm)

Act Three: Stories and Pictures (4.15pm – 6pm)
Small Celebrations:
Third Angel Popcorn

Christopher Hall
Making Popcorn

Oliver Bray
Third Angel: A Secret Journey

Henry Raby
Words + Pictures

Rachael Walton
The Umbrella Theory

Epilogue (6pm – 6.30pm)
Small Celebrations:
Action Hero The Third Angel Annexe

Closing remarks by Oliver Bray, Hannah Nicklin, Michael Pinchbeck and Third Angel

Post-show – Wine (6.30pm onwards)
Chris Thorpe

People On Fire, People In Love

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