Tuesday 23 June 2015

Leeds Library Residency

In July we’re in residence in Leeds Library as part of the WordPlay project. Some time ago we decided to call the residency Cause & Effect, thinking we would be developing ideas towards a project with that name. But as sometimes happens, the ‘thing that needs to be made next’ has shifted. We had such a good time making the one-off verbatim piece Labour Intensive earlier this year, and we came away feeling we had only begun to scratch the surface of this idea.

So we’ll be picking that theme up for this residency, using the Library’s resources: books and people. We’ll be continuing our interviews, and there are plenty of opportunities to visit the process. the full ‘call out’ is below. If you’re in Leeds in July do come in and see us.


Are you a Mother, Father, Sibling,
Obstetrician, Midwife or Doula?

Would you like to share your experiences of 
birth, either personal or professional?

Sheffield based theatre company Third Angel are creating a performance exploring peoples’ experiences of birth. This piece will be based on real life birth stories and we are looking for people willing to share their experiences.

We will be resident in Leeds Library Art Space from Monday 6 – Tuesday 14th developing ideas for the show. You can drop in and see us, or get in touch to arrange a particular time to visit.

Whether your birth story was a personal drama, or if it’s something you see everyday.  Whether you gave birth quietly at home in a birth pool or are part of a surgical team on call.  Whether you are community midwife or a dad who had to quickly change into scrubs, a doula or a consultant, we would love to hear from you.

Any information you share will be treated with the upmost discretion and should any of your information be used in the final performance it will be anonymous.

Leeds Library Art Space Timetable
11am – 2pm, Monday 6 – Thursday 9th  July
Drop in and see us to find out more about our research, share your story if you wish.

Tuesday 7th July, 5.30pm
Dads’ Discussion Group
If you’re a Dad of any age, we’d love to hear your experiences, thoughts and feelings about your own birth experience. Drop in and see us, share your story, hear others.

Tuesday 14th July, 5.30pm
Performance & Talk
Come and see a short performance of material we have been developing in response to our research, and hear more about the project.

If you would like to share your birth experience, but would like to arrange a different time to talk to us, please email Rachael Walton (rachael [at] thirdangel.co.uk), Alex Kelly (alex [at] thirdangel.co.uk) or Stacey Sampson (staceyksampson [at] hotmail.co.uk).

Thursday 11 June 2015

We're hiring!

If you're a regular visitor to this blog, you may have noticed that we're pretty busy. In fact, I'd go as far as to say we punch above our weight, productivity wise, for a company of 3 people, all working part time.

You may also have noticed that we do our best to support those starting out in the industry. It's something we feel pretty strongly about. We all benefit from the next generation getting the chance learn, to find their thing, to be their best.

So, in a nifty 'two birds, one stone' manoeuvre, we're looking for our very first Administration and Production Trainee. It's an 11 month paid post, working with me, Hilary, Manager of all things General, to run the company and support the creative team.

The job pack and application form are here to download. Closing date is Monday 22 June. If you have any questions, please give me a call on 0114 201 3875 or email hilary@thirdangel.co.uk. And please do share far and wide. I'm (genuinely) looking forward to reading an enormous pile of application forms from the people who'll be running the sector in ten years time.

Oh, and before you apply, it might be a good idea to check this earlier blog post, in which I get a bit ranty about attention to detail and being really clear about what you want.