Monday 16 August 2010

Inspiration Exchange

Back in March of 2009, whilst we were making Homo Ludens, I was invited to talk at an event called How To Be Creative, as part of Sheffield Art-Science Encounters. Given the impressive line up of fellow presenters (Dr Kamal Birdi, Dr Rachel Falconer, Dr Tim Richardson, Professor Peter Styring and musician John Ball), and the elusive subject matter of the brief, it was a mildly intimidating event to be part of. I gave a response entitled Scratch the Itch, Roll the Dice, Walk to Work, inspired partly by the work we were doing on playfulness and inventiveness, and talking about the bench obsession that later resurfaced in Words & Pictures. All of the other presentations were really enjoyable, and three of us ran activities for participants afterwards.

Feedback on the event was great, so we were invited back this year to talk even more specifically about our Muse. Unable to pinpoint a single muse, I ran an Inspiration Exchange, swapping stories about things that had inspired me over the years, with things that had meant something to audience members...

Colour Combinations
A recording by John Williams
her hands in my hair

It proved to be a great conversation generator, and I mentioned on Twitter how much I'd enjoyed it. Andy Field from Forest Fringe got in touch to ask if something similar would work at the festival this summer. Given the wonderfully collaborative atmosphere at Forest Fringe it seemed to me like a great idea. So I'm delighted that this week, before we run the What I Heard About The World - Research Table (on Saturday 21st), it's going to happen.

On Friday 20th, 12 - 5pm Forest Fringe will host Inspiration Exchange, with Laura McDermott, Deborah Pearson, James Stenhouse and myself. We've had one devising session via skype, and will meet up in Edinburgh the day before; I'm really looking forward to it. If you're going to be in Edinburgh, why not drop in and swap something that has inspired you for something that has inspired us?

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