Wednesday 30 March 2011

National Portfolio Funding Statement

Third Angel found out this morning that we have been unsuccessful in our application for National Portfolio Funding from Arts Council England. We are, obviously, extremely disappointed, as we were very excited about our planned programme of theatre, live art, digital and video work and creative learning projects.

We will now work with our partners to find ways of delivering a reduced version of that programme.

Alexander Kelly
Co-Artistic Director
30 March 2011


Phillirose said...

Really disappointed for you all, but know that your you will find creative and ingenious ways of delivering way beyond your budgets, and your audiences expectations....

Indivisible said...

This is tragic news, knowing how much of an impact Third Angel has had on young practitioners such as ourselves. We see you guys as a beacon of the north for performance as research and what Live Art can and should mean today. I really hope you can find the funding you need elsewhere and that your networks support you over the next few years to maintain your excellence.

Our thoughts are with you
Adam & Becki

Anonymous said...

Irritatingly unfortunate; but remain confident - the nature of your work has great potential to progress positively in spite of the governMental arts massacre.

Unknown said...

Really sad to hear this news Alex. I hope that you can find a way to continue your fantastic work despite the difficult circumstances.

All best wishes,